Blackjack Tournaments

BlackjackBlackjack is definitely one of the most popular casino games worldwide, a recognized game both offline and online. A fairly easy casino game as well, if you follow the basic rules and strategies of it, a one than brings in more excitement than slots, for the most part – however, if you are a more proficient blackjack player, you will be standard game dull at times, which is why online casinos, and even offline casinos at times, will provide you with a faster, more exciting option of a blackjack tournament.

Blackjack tournaments add an additional excitement level to casino games, where you are no longer playing against the dealer, but playing against other players now. With an increased popularity for these tournaments, we felt the need to introduce our visitors and loyal readers about all that pertains in regards to these games, and for your potential winnings online. As mentioned earlier, you will be able to compete against other players now; although you will still be playing against the dealer (the house), you will now have the ultimate goal of finishing off with more chips than the rest of your fellow players.

The game consists of several tables, all with about 6 players competing against each other in several short rounds. At this time, players will be eliminated at each round with the end result of only 1 to 2 players moving forward to the next round.

Like poker tournaments, each player will begin with the same number of chips in terms of value, where the tournaments will then consist of a fixed number of hands per round. At this time, at the end of each round, only those players with the highest amount of casino chips, or in other words, those with the highest bankroll will move on, hence why even though in short rounds, only 1 to 2 players will more on while the others will be eliminated.

In terms of the duration, the rounds are usually of 15 to 30 hands only, which as you know from playing standard blackjack games, is an extremely fast paced game, yet, extremely exciting. Each eliminating round will consist of usually 3 to 5 total rounds, where the first games will have 2 players moving forward from each table, the next game will have 1, and then, usually moving on to the final table. Keeping this set-up in mind, the numbers would add up to 108 entries within 18 first round tables, but fear not if you do not advance within smaller tournaments, as they usually split their first round allowing you to re-enter and/or rebuy-in into your blackjack tournament.

Moreover, and similar to poker games, blackjack tournaments have the dealer rotating a button put in-front of the player that must act and bet first, giving him/her a disadvantage for coming in first for that round; however, the button does rotate, so each player does have a taste of this disadvantage if the round is yet to be over.

Benefits of playing Blackjack tournaments

Apart from the clear and obvious reason of the added excitement in this fast paced game, you will be playing for the added buy-in pool from all players, which can obviously add-up to a hefty sum. Apart from the added pool, casinos will add money into the pool and/or other prizes, which regardless of the blackjack tournament filling-up or not, it will be a guaranteed add-on prize; if you are a skilled player, this will be a piece of cake to be part of while having a great time at it.

Online casinos will provide higher amounts of added money, and/or bonuses, prizes, gifts, and the likes – while offline casinos will compensate with free food and drinks. With a usual payout for the top 6 spots, you can see big payouts from large pools of up to 5-figures, if not more depending on the casino and tournament size.

Recommendations and Strategy

There are various strategies in which we could go into detail for blackjack, however, we will simply summarize some key recommendations and strategies in this piece and you can further read on it more later. The main point to consider is risk management in terms weighting the risk vs. reward. For instance, you have to keep in mind that you will need to managed your chips properly to make it through various rounds, however, you also need to keep in mind that you will only move through to the next round if you are among the highest bankrolls at your table, hence, you will need to gamble higher amounts in order to achieve this, especially if you are playing against equally skilled players where the only difference might just be the amounts gambled. Obviously, if you lose your chips, you lose and are done from the tournament, so keep that in mind as well. For now, consider a hybrid approach where you can bet smaller amounts at most circumstances and higher amounts when you are sure of an actual win, a win that will make a difference to your bankroll in a positive matter.