MGM Online Gambling

BetMGM Casino

MGM – three letters we’re all familiar with. Metro Goldwyn Mayer… the movie studio behind lots of great movies and TV shows. MGM is involved in several media areas though, and they also have resorts and casinos you can visit. However, you don’t necessarily need to go out of your home to visit an MGM casino. BetMGM is available online, offering a full casino experience for those in certain parts of the US. And that’s what we are going to find out more about here.

You must live in one of 10 states to play at BetMGM

If you fancy some MGM online gambling, you can easily find a link to their casino online. Once you arrive on their website, you’ll see a question – where do you want to play? They list 10 states, from Indiana to New Jersey and Pennsylvania through to Colorado. If you live in one of the states, you can select it to go through to the site dedicated to that area. If not, you cannot play.

The site you see differs depending on the area

State laws mean that some areas can showcase certain types of betting whereas others cannot. Head through to New Jersey and you’ll be straight into their sportsbook with live and upcoming games to check out. Meanwhile, if you go for West Virginia, you can see some casino games when you land on that part of the site. Make sure you only access the part of the site relevant to where you live. And remember that if you are in none of those states, you’ll need to find another website to play at.

Full licensing information appears at the bottom of the site

Make sure you check this, and that you are aware of the meaning. Each state requires such websites to be licensed and regulated by the relevant bodies. This part of the site should also indicate the minimum age requirement for using the casino or sportsbook.

Are you ready for some MGM online gambling?

If you live in one of those 10 states and you cannot get to a casino (and in COVID-19 times, that can be tough to achieve), BetMGM may give you an alternative. Just make sure you read through all the information on the relevant portion of the site, so you can stay within the law and the rules.